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Monday, 28 January 2019

Benefits of compassionate meditation, (source:http://buddhism-and-life.blogspot.com)

He who practice meditation on loving kindness;

Will sleeps easily - most people have difficulties in sleeping. They struggle for a long time to have a good sleep. But a meditator who practice meditation on metta will be able to sleep with comfort.

Will wakes easily - many people wakes uncomfortably. But But a meditator who practice meditation on metta will wake easily with fresh mind.

Won't see evil dreams - a meditator who practice meditation on metta won't see nightmares. Instead he/ she will see pleasant dreams.

Will be dear to human beings -people like to associate a meditator who practice meditation on metta. His/ her presence too will make others happy.

Will be dear to non-human beings - not only for human beings, he/ she becomes dear to non-human beings like animals, birds, gods, deities etc too.

Gods will protect him/ her - a meditator who practice meditation on metta will be protected by heavenly beings like gods.

Neither fire, poison, nor weapons can harm him/ her - a meditator who practice meditation on metta won't be harmed with fire, poison, or weapons. His/ her power of metta will protect him/ her.

Mind gets concentrated quickly - meditators who practice meditation on metta can concentrate their minds quickly.

Skin complexion will become bright - meditator who practice meditation on metta don't need fairness creams make his/ her skin bright, by practicing meditation on metta will make his/ her skin bright!

Dies unconfused and with conscious - many people dies without conscious and with confused mind. So their death brings them pain both bodily and mentally. But a meditator who practice meditation on metta will deserve a conscious, unconfused and happy death with no worries and sorrows.

If not attained spiritual liberation, will deserve a birth in Brahma world after the death -if the meditator who practice meditation on metta doesn't attain the spiritual liberation in this life, he/ she will be born in Brahma world (a higher celestial world).

Evil begets evil (source:http://buddhism-and-life.blogspot.com)

  • Evil begets Evil

 Manopubbańgamā dhammaā – manoseţţā manomayāManasā ce paduţţhena – bhāsati vā karoti vāTato nań dukkhamanveti – cakkań’va vahato padań

  • Meaning

Mind is the forerunner of all evil states. Mind is chief. Everything is made by mind. If one speaks or act with corrupted mind, because of that, suffering follows him/her, as the wheels of the cart follows the draught ox.

(Dhammapada – Yamaka Vagga – Verse 1)

  • Story

The Story of Thera Cakkhupala

On one occasion, Thera Cakkhupala came to pay homage to the Buddha at the Jetavana monastery. One night, while working to and fro in meditation (), accidentally some insects were killed by the Thera. Some bhikkhus visiting the thera found the dead insects. They thought that the thera have killed them intentionally and reported the matter to the Buddha. The Buddha asked them whether they had seen the thera killing the insects. When they answered "No, Lord", the Buddha said, "Just as you had not seen him killing, so also he had not seen those living insects. Yet, as the thera had already attained Arahatship he never kill any living being intentionally."

The Bhikkus asked the reason for Venarable Chakkupala's blindness when he's an Arahant. Then the Buddha unveiled the past story of Venerable Chakkupala:

In the past thousands of eons ago there was a physician in one of his previous birth. Once, a blind woman came to take treatments to gain her vision. The woman who was not rich had promised him to become his slave, together with her children, if her eyes were completely cured. The clever physician was able to cure her eyes but the woman fearing that she and her children would have to become slaves, she lied to the physician. She told him that her eyes were getting worse than before. The physician knew she was lying him. Physician got angry and in revenge, he gave her another ointment, which made her totally blind. As a result of this evil karma the physician lost his eyesight many times in his later births.

That physician was Venerable Chakkupala. He suffered the cause of his evil karma.

Meditation on loving and kindness (source: http://buddhism-and-life.blogspot.com)

Meditation on Loving Kindness can be practice in two methods. Namely;

  1. Mahaggata Ceto Vimutti
  2. Appamāna Ceto Vimutti
Mahaggata Ceto Vimutti means radiating Loving kindness by area increasing gradually i.e first you radiate loving kindness for yourself, then for everyone at your home, then every being in you village, province, country, world etc.

Appamāna Ceto Vimutti means radiating loving kindness towards 10 directions.

Meditation of loving kindness can be practiced in any position, either sitting, walking, standing or laying. So you can select the best and most comfortable position that suits you. You can practice this meditation even when your traveling to your office or school.

So let's learn how practice Loving Kindness meditation in both methods;

  • Mahaggata Ceto Vimutti
May I 
be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of this house/office/place

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of this village/town

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of this province

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of this state

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of this Country

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of this World

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of this universe

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

  • Appamāna Ceto Vimutti

May I

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the eastern direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the eastern intermediate direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the southern direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the southern intermediate direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the western direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the western intermediate direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the northern direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the northern intermediate direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the downward direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

May all beings of the upward direction

be free from enmity.....
be free from animosity....
be free from jealousy....
be free from troubles....
live comfortably....
live contentedly....

Likewise you can practice either one or both of these methods. First time you may feel difficult sometimes. But don't give up. First practice at least 5 minutes a day. Then you can increase the time as you can. If you have any question, just comment below.

With Metta


Karaneeya Metta sutta

. KaraHīyam atthakusalena
yan taF santaF padaF abhisamecca
sakko ujū ca sūjū ca
suvaco c’assa mudu anatimānī.

This is what should be done by one who is skilled in achieving his own goal of peace and tranquillity He should be efficient and competent, honest and upright, pleasant and polite in speech,
gentle in demeanour. He should be modest and not arrogant. 

2. Santussako ca subharo ca
appakicco ca sallahukavutti
santindriyo ca nipako ca
appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho.

He should be content and satisfied and be easily supportable. He should not be over involved, and be simple in his life-style. He should keep his sense faculties calmed. He should be wise but not too bold and daring. He should not be over-attached to households.

3. Na ca khuddaF samācare
kiñ ci yena viññū pare upavadeyyuF
sukhino vā khemino hontu
sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā.

He should never resort to doing anything so mean whereby the rest of the wise world would reproach him. May all beings enjoy happiness and comfort. May they feel safe and secure. 

4. Ye keci pāHabhūtatthi
tasā vā thāvarā vā anavasesā,
dīghā vā ye mahantā vā
majjhimā rassakā ’ Hukathūlā.

Whatever living [breathing] things there are, all of those that tremble and those that are steady and strong, whatever are long and large in size, medium, short, minute or massive.  

5. DiLLhā vā yeva addiLLhā
ye ca dūre vasanti avidūre
bhūtā vā sambhavesī vā
sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā.

Those that are seen or are unseen, they that live near or afar. Those that have already come into being or await birth in any form. May all those living things be blissful and happy.

6. Na paro paraF nikubbetha
nātimaññetha katthaci naF kañ ci
byārosanā paLighasaññā
nāññamaññassa dukkham iccheyya.

Let no one ever deceive another. Nor disparagingly look upon another anywhere. Either in anger or in hostility, let no people wish the unhappiness of one another.

7. Mātā yathā niyaF puttaF
āyusā ekaputtamanurakkhe
evam ’ pi sabbabhūtesu
mānasaF bhāvaye aparimāHaF.

Just as a mother her own son [child], her only son [child], guards him at the risk of her life, in the same manner
towards all beings, let one develop thoughts of unbounded love.

8. Mettañ ca sabbalokasmiF
mānasaF bhāvaye aparimāHaF
uddhaF adho ca tiriyañ ca
asambādhaF averaF asapattaF.

Loving unbounded thoughts, let one develop towards the whole world : above, below and across, unobstructed, without enmity and without hostility and rivalry.

9. TiLLhaF caraF nisinno vā
sayāno vā yāvat ’ assa vigatamiddho
etaF satiF adiLLheyya
brahmametaF vihāraF idha-m-āhu.

Whether one is standing, moving or seated down, or reclining, as long as he is not fallen asleep, let him develop this mindfulness. In this Buddhist dispensation, they call it the highest mode of living.

10. DiLLhiñ ca anupagamma sīlavā
dassanena sampanno
kāmesu vineyya gedhaF
na hi jātu gabbhaseyyaF punar-etī ti.

Without taking upon oneself dogmatic views, and being endowed with moral virtue and correct vision, and having gained control over one’s greed for lustful pleasures, one comes not to be born in a mother’s womb.